GPS security for vehicles
You don’t know location of your car or cannot reach the driver and you worry about his safety?
Does parking in unsecured areas makes you wondering if your car is okay?
With our localization unit ETLOC-30 S you always know the exact position of your vehicle. In case of theft you can immediately send the police to current location of the thieve and your stolen car.
No monthly fees required.
GPS security for boats
Track the status and location of your boat comfortably though your mobile phone.
With our solution ETLOC-30 BOAT use a simple command to build an imaginary fence around your ship with one SMS. In case the boat leaves this area you will be immediately notified by warning SMS.
Simple operation and no monthly fees.
Online monitoring system for vehicles
Online monitoring system SATMAPS, along with on-board unit ETLOC-30 GPRS, will help you keep fuel costs under control. It doesn’t matter whether you have one or hundreds of vehicles.
Check the movement of vehicles in real time as well as from the records and finally say STOP to dishonest employees.
For the operation of the SATMAPS system we charge one of the lowest taxes in Europe.